Doctor Mopp cola toothpaste

It’s hard to see why this fizzy cola children’s toothpaste never caught on. It brings a fun aspect to bedtime that few people can match in later life.

Camberwick Green toothpaste came in six natural, healthy* flavours, from Captain Snort (pork scratchings) and Mrs Honeyman (tonic wine) to Windy Miller (tramp).

It was part of a range of tempting TV tie-ins that included M*A*S*H potato and It Ain’t Half Hot Mum chicken madras-flavoured baby food.

camberwick green toothpaste - back catalogue blog - bring back the magic of the 70s
* This product comes with a doctor’s stamp of approval. It’s just the packaging that makes it look like he’s been gagged.
camberwick toothpaste ad copy
Thanks to Elaine at for the main pics. Check out her enviable button trees – and please do get in touch if you have got any stuff that belongs in the pages of Back Catalogue.

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